Vanuatu offers you a more exciting way to relax on your next break.

The simple truth is that adventure, in its many forms, is what Vanuatu does best. Vanuatu is a raw experience. It is a land of untouched wilderness, pristine oceans and rugged beauty. Fire erupts from the earth and ancient stories shape its way of life. The bumpy journey to uncover its treasures is often half the adventure.
Kastom and culture forms Vanuatus identity. Its why Ni-Vanuatu are present in the now. It is why they are grounded & content. A cultural experience is on offer to any traveller. It can be felt in an interaction in a local food market or a visit to a Kava bar, right through to wandering through a village in a remote outer island.
While we could offer you a list of things to see and do, it is the Vanuatu moments that are created within you holiday that will stay with you and will be relayed by those who have been before. So we think you should choose your own adventure.